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Our therapists have specialized training in several approaches, presenting concerns, and diverse frameworks of relational dynamics. We support partners through gender, sexuality, and relational dynamic affirming lenses. 


Some of our best work resides in the realm of healing from a rupture in trust. We use a "4-R" approach: Rupture, Reflect, Repair, Reconnect. Sometimes, a fifth "R" is needed when folks make the decision to Recruit a professional to help navigate challenges in their relationship(s).


Whichever stage of "R" you're in, we are here for it every step of the way.

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Image by Nadia Sitova
Image by Juliette F
  • Couples / romantic partnerships

  • Dating

  • Navigating break-ups

  • Communication

  • Infidelity

  • Polyamory, consensual non-monogamy dynamics

  • Navigating written agreements

  • Reconnecting after disconnection

  • Platonic intimacy

  • Navigating differences in relationships

  • Relationships + Disability

  • Neurodivergent relational support

  • Supporting partner through chronic or terminal illness

  • Pregnancy / postpartum concerns

  • Family planning

  • Parenting

  • Infertility

  • Co-parenting

  • Grieving loss of partner

  • Grieving loss of child

  • Relational trauma

  • Attachment injury

  • Military relationships

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